Monday, August 1, 2011

Voting Results: Help Us Choose Our Next Flavors (8/1)

Thanks to everyone who helped out by voting for our next flavors on behalf of the American Cancer Society. We are proud to be involved with such a great cause, and happy that so many of our customers are willing to donate extra change.

We're excited to announce this winner is ... Drumroll.....


And we have a surprise for you - a new Banana flavor that is EVEN BETTER than the Banana we had before. They tried this new Banana in the La' Berry in downtown Savannah and everyone has fallen in love ... it truly tastes like fresh Bananas.  It may be the most intense yogurt flavor yet - in a good way! The only catch is that it is a flavor that takes a while to get in, so we won't have it for another week or so. But trust us - it is SO worth the wait!

Other big earners are Mango Passionfruit and Pistachio -- Look for these new flavors soon!

(Also, we had so many votes and requests for Dark Chocolate, we'll probably end up having that one soon too!)

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